Sweet Potato & Lentil Crockpot Stew

17 Oct
Hey, hey!  Happy Friday, friends.  I’m super excited to be flying down to Atlanta tomorrow for FNCE (Food and Nutrition Conference & Expo), the annual conference for nutrition professionals.  This is my first time attending and I’m pumped to check out lectures on the latest nutrition info, find new products and meet fellow RD’s!  If you’re attending, let me know so we can meet up!
Before I head South, I wanted to share a recipe I’ve been relying on for lunches this week.  It’s one of my favorite crock-pot recipes, because it’s easy to throw together (hello, crock-pot!), super nutritious and perfect for fall!  This Sweet Potato & Lentil Stew is vegan, gluten-free and dairy-free too, for anyone following special dietary restrictions.
I’ve seriously enjoyed this stew for lunch every day this week, but switched things up by topping it off with sliced avocado, Greek yogurt or shredded cheddar cheese each day.  Yum!  Hope you enjoy!
Sweet Potato & Lentil Crockpot Stew
Makes 12 servings
5 carrots, chopped
5 celery hearts, chopped
1 yellow onion, chopped
1 Tbsp minced garlic
1 28oz can diced tomato
48 oz vegetable stock
4 small sweet potatoes, chopped
1 Tbsp oregano
1/2 tsp cumin
1 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
1.5 cup green lentils
Throw all ingredients into a crock-pot and cook on low heat for 8-10 hours.  That’s IT! 🙂
Nutrition facts: 160 calories, 0.5g fat, 480mg sodium, 33g carbs, 8g fiber, 7g sugar, 7g protein
What’s your favorite fall crock-pot recipe?  Are you going to FNCE this year?  Know any good running routes in Atlanta? Let’s talk about it!

A Visit to CrossFit Shadyside

15 Oct

A few weeks back, while traveling for work in Pittsburgh, I had some unexpected free time.  So what did I do?  Immediately googled local CrossFit gyms.  A quick search revealed a box not even 2 blocks away from the hotel I was staying at! Boom! I took my chances that they’d let me drop-in without advanced notice and showed up at a 6:30am class.  I was greeted by Erin, one of the coaches, filled out a quick waiver and had no issues joining the class.


Crossfit Shadyside is actually located in the bottom part of Ryer Martial Arts Academy. and initially was less than half the size it currently is.  I snapped some pictures of the space to give you an idea of the layout, but it’s a decent size and has lots of equipment tucked away that you can’t see.  IMG_9418[1]




One of my favorite parts of the gym (and something that immediately caught my attention) was the “Box Rules”.  They’re so perfect for anyone just joining CrossFit and a good reminder for those who have been doing it for a while.  🙂IMG_9415[1]

The WOD (workout of the day) started with 10 minutes of mobility work (rolling, stretching), followed by 4 rounds of max effort Handstand Push-Ups (for me, modified by using a box), 2 minutes rest, then 8 bent over rows (using barbell), 30 russian twists (I used a 20lb med ball).  Finally, we completed a max effort 1000 m row, rested 5 minutes and finished with 4 RFT (rounds for time) of 3 push presses (85% of our 1 rep maximum weight) and 15 toes-to-bar (knees to chest for me).  I can’t remember the weight I used for push presses (maybe 55lb?), but I know my shoulders and armpits were sore for days after this WOD.  Hello, handstand push-ups!

There were probably only 5 people in the class I took, so I can’t say how it is during more crowded sessions, but Erin made sure to check everyone’s form and give us feedback, critiques and encouragement during the workout.  She also made sure I knew where to grab equipment from, which was much appreciated because I was so unfamiliar with their gym.  At first, I couldn’t figure out where the med balls were–they’re kept in a wooden box built into a wall!  Erin has been a coach at Shadyside for about two years and really seemed to know her stuff.  I definitely think it’s important to have someone coaching who not only knows about crossfit movements, but isn’t afraid to correct you or make sure you have proper form.

After class, I got to chat a little more with Erin about the history of CrossFit Shadyside, and she took me upstairs to the giant martial arts area.  Of course, I also took the time to snag some Shadyside tees for the boyfriend and myself!

I’m so glad I was able to check out another box during my work travels (see my last box review here), and highly recommend CrossFit Shadyside if you’re in the Pittsburgh area.  I know I’ll definitely be back!

Do you like to explore local gyms during travel?  What do you look for most in a coach or fitness instructor?  Tell me about it!
